When I entered my junior year in college I did so as a newly converted vegetarian. My friends and the people around me all greeted this news with a downpour of confusion, frustration, and even what seemed to be anger about my new lifestyle. A year later when I returned from summer vacation a vegan, an even stronger reaction ensued. I began to realize that people took my food choices personally, as if by labeling myself a vegetarian or vegan I was inherently judging their own food choices. I became aware for the first time of the disjointed and disordered relationship our society has to food – how easily we fall into fads of what’s “healthy” versus “unhealthy”; how we lack any relationship between our food, our land, and our environment; how reliant we have become on processed and “Frankenstein” foods, the twice removed-distant cousins of the whole foods they started as.

Eat My Greens is not here to tell you should or shouldn’t be eating. Every person’s body is different and requires its own unique food and lifestyle choices. In other words, there is no one right answer when it comes to how and what you should eat…and what works for you today might change in a week, a year, or ten years down the line. Eat My Greens is here simply as an impetus for discussion. It is here to prompt you to question yourself about what you’re consuming day to day, to help you become more attune to your body so you actually know what works for you and what doesn’t, and to explore the myths and generalizations of “rights” and “wrongs” in foods and help find the path that works for you.
Oh and also…to share with you some useful information, recipes, and hints for making ridiculously delicious and beautiful food.